
Showing posts from December, 2023

Strange Muse

This time last year was bad. It started with our cat acting weird. More weird than normal anyway. She was twitchy and kept charging in and out of her catflap. More often than she normally does anyway. It turned out that she had fleas. Obvious once we realised. While we had been absent mindedly wondering what had gotten into her, the fleas had taken the opportunity to establish quite an empire in our house. It wasn't long before we were all twitchy and charging in and out of the back door. I was in a bad state of mind anyway. I took a short drive to clear my head. That didn't work so I made it a longer drive to Great Yarmouth. At least I was away from the fleas for a while. As I arrived on the outskirts of Yarmouth the traffic was awful. "No matter!" I thought. "I know the area well enough to find my way through these side roads." Twenty minutes later, as I went past an Asda somewhere for the third time, I had to conce